We always strive to meet the exacting standards of quality for our products, which are as per accepted International standards. We supply better quality and better value for money to our customers using best quality control, state of art machines, technology, trained manpower coupled with cost effectiveness that will sustain our future growth. 

Today we are one of the leading manufacturers, exporters and stockists of stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel in the shape of Pipes, Tubes, Rods, Sheets, Plates, Wires, Angles, Coils, Strips and entire range of Butt- weld and Socket-weld pipe fittings supplying to various core industries like
We are certified and approved by many third party inspection agencies.

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Sunrise MultiTech Fasteners
Thank you for showing interest in Sunrise MultiTech Fasteners PVT.LTD. We are experts in manufacturing stainless steel fasteners and provide a wide range of selection to our customers, right from size M2 to size M36. With, quality and customer delight being our top priorities, we always ensure to meet all Indian and International manufacturing standards as well as focus our energies on innovating and introducing new products to our product line at a rapid pace.

Call - +91 84518 43637
Email : info@sunrisefasteners.net